Need funds to help family

Need Help, United St

I need money to help pay off tuition costs so that I can graduate. I am one semester away from graduating, and the biggest roadblock is tuition. I have been going to school for a long time and finally see the end is near. I wish to finish so that I can provide a better life for my family. My wife and I have twin 4-year-old girls. My wife works full-time, but everything she makes keeps a roof over our head. In 2008, my wife gave birth to our girls 10.5 weeks premature. They spent the first 78 and 81 days of their lives in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). For the first three years, my wife and I concentrated on their development since they were so delayed and constant doctor visits. Now that they are 4, they are developmentally equivalent to their peers. I now have time to finish college. I wish to help provide the better life to my family that they deserve. I first have to pay the tuition before I can finish. Anything you provide will be greatly appreciated.