Need cash for food & Bills

A Man In , Virginia

I'm a guy in his mid 50s who was downsized out of a job last year. January got a new job but thanks to "Sequestor" I was last one hired first one to let go. That was mid April and since then after dozens of applicatons and 4 interviews still out of work. And now I am dead broke with eveything around me going downhill. Unemployment ran out and have tried to go on SNAP for food but still have nothing. The 20 year old car runs but has no gas. I can walk to the Metro but have no money for the farecard. I am asking for help from anyone. Even a few dollars will give a meal this day. Thank God I have no children just 2 cats. My need is dire and is now. I have tried the social agencies but can't get to them for any interviews which they say will take a week to setup. In one week I will probably be dead. Already been to the pawnshops with what little of value I have. Trying to sell things on Craigslist but get nothing but stupid responses. I am real, the "system" has failed me. I need help right now. Thank you.