Need a modest loan or donation to end my homelessness!
Need loan, Denver, C
I am currently homeless, but working for a couple different subcontractors, so I do have a source of income.. The reason I am posting my request today is an opportunity has arisen to purchase a fully functional, used RV for $650. At this time I do not have the financial capability to take advantage of this unbelievable offer (I would estimate the value of the RV on the open market at above $5000), and so I am seeking the assistance of some good person or persons, in the form of a loan, or donation. If you can help me I can not only promise repayment+interest (name your terms!), but my ETERNAL gratitude for helping me get off the street, and into a home of my own! Truly it would be a dream come to fruition (I have been homeless for about 2.5 years at this point), and I really feel that my request is modest and realistic.
If you can help, in any way, I really look forward to talking with you, and/or meeting you!
Many, many thanks,

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