Need a Car
SallyMae4, Asheville
In 2005 I lost my car in an accident which resulted in a head injury and knee surgery. A doctor got me a disability check but the head injury made me loopy and I bounced around the country for 8 years. I ended up in some funny situations here and there. I stayed in a shelter in Jackson Hole and hiked to Salt Lake City Utah where this old lady would sit with me on a park bench a few times a week and one day she told me she was taking me home with her. She wouldn't hear a "no". She was funny. I ended up living with a beer-drinking, NASCAR watching pagan for a little while but the beer drinking got to be too much for me. I kept bouncing around the country and I finally landed in Asheville, NC in July 2013 and they finally got me housing and set me up with a "home team" which is 10 people from local churches that take time to meet with me and take to places and gatherings where I meet more people and become integrated into the community with friends who care about me. I'd like to stay here but rent is high and goes up every year. If I could get a USDA Farm loan for a home, my housing would not only be lower than rent, it would stay the same every year and I would have safe housing not in a low-rent high-drug community. But, the houses on the USDA Farm loan are outside of the bus system so I would need a car to get the house. I would still be close to my home team and all my new friends and I wouldn't be traveling more than 20 miles anywhere so there wouldn't be a lot of wear and tear on the car or a lot of gas expense. I'd like to make Asheville my new forever home with all my new friends and having a car would help me do that. After 8 years of bouncing around, it's nice to have a new home with friends. I'm trying to raise $2000-$3000 for a car so I can stay stable in my new home without having to be around drugs in public housing.

I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on audreduarte@yahoo.com