My family needs help please
Annie Mar, Trinidad
Hi, I'm not the kind of girl that does these things, but I guess I really need your help.
My name is Annie Marco I'm 20, I'm from South América living in a foreign country with my mother and three younger brothers.
I know that to you I must seem like just another girl begging for help and I thank you already for reading my post, just tonight I'm so desesperate I thought I’d give this a try.
My mom came home last night with tiny purple bruises on her skin and cried the whole night. She's a woman with fragile body stucture who suffers from constant joint pain and she's working in a factory that makes her stand on her feet aĺl day. Her joints hurt so much she whimpers when she gets home and because we are foreigners her co workers treat her terribly. I have three younger brothers ages 13 to 10, they are a handfull and our landlady treatened that if we couldn't keep them very quiet she'd evict us. The thing is, my mom just got divorced in December, the father of the boys, the man that raised me since I was six, just found a younger woman and left. He left the boys, he left me, he left my mom with four mouths to feed and a mountain of school fees to pay.
We had to move from our home and we came here, I even put my schooling on hold to help with the boys, but it is just so hard, my mom has mountains of bills to pay, we sleep in a matress on the ground and now, now we need to raise money to put the kids in school, not to mention my own schooling that needs to be paid for. mom has to find money for rent, food, transportation, school and yet...I don't know what to do, its killing her and I can only cry with her.
If you are reading this, please help us, my mom is the person I love most in this world, she has sacrificed everything for me, her youth, her energy, her health. She's the reason I am strong enough to get up in the mornings and when she's not crying, her smile means the world to me. But she is scared and alone and I can only sit next to her to try and offer a bit of comfort.
I leave you with my last thought on what hapiness is for me.
Hapiness is waking up to the warmth of a hug from my ten year old little brother who has ADHD, its pinching the dimples of my middle sibling, hapiness is watching my thirteen yearold little brother kneel down to pray, its my mother's laughter and the sound of her singing when she's washing dishes. Hapiness for me is knowing that they are happy.
So please, help me.

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