MY ex Gave me HIV/AiDs and the boot

SICKandDy, Joshua tr

my ex boyfriend of 2 years came home one day after being gone for 3 days and told me that he never loved me we dont connect and that i had to kick rocks from our home we made together and brought home my replacement 1 month from our annervsery, on top of that a few days later i got my test results back from doctor to find out he gave me the HIV viruse ,he also kept all my clothes and stole my taxes....i am now living on the streets, he dosent seem to rember that i had to keep from losing the our home when he got put in jail and watch our dog....he woulndt have the place if i hadnt and now i cant go home and his new boyfriend is wearing my clothes.....i am just asking funds to get off the streets and get my own place and cheap car cause i dont want to have to go back to my parents and dont want to have my mom take care of me when i get wose and watch me die.....i dont want him to win , i dont want to be living like this , please help anything u contribute will help thank you