My dream trip
Miguel Go, Barcelona
Hi, my name is Miguel and i am from Spain.
Currently i am studying art history, the career of my life. This is my second year, and i have been studying the Italian renaissance and baroque since the beggining of the academic year. My university has planed a trip to Italy to see in person the art pieces we have been analyzing. This trip is my dream, and al my colleagues are going, but with my current financial situation i cant go.
My family has always been broke. My dad never finished school, and he works as a builder for barely any money. Also, there is a deep financial crisis in Spain and there isnt barely any work on the building sector. My mother has a decent job ( she is a teacher), but she spends it all in the family ( we are 4 brothers ). The older one is working on a cafe, and the two little ones are still on school. My family could not aford university, so i have always studied a lot to get university scholarship.
The trip is 400 euros, and its on May. Any contribution is welcome. If you help me, if you want i will send you photos of the trip.
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