My business is struggling and I haven't eaten for 5 days

My Busine, United Ki

Hello, I am Charlie and currently find myself in a terrible predicament. 12 months ago (Oct 2012), I decided to take the plunge and go self-employed as an IT Consultant. I spent every last penny of my limited savings to setup (online presence, marketing, insurance, business cards, etc). After 3 months things were going well considering the tough economic times. What I couldn't have foreseen was that I became very ill in April 2013, meaning I couldn't drive. I also wasn't well enough to dedicate the time and effort required. After months of tests and hospital visits, I am now on good medication and feel ready to carry on with my venture. Sadly, the last 6 months has left me without money, so the only way I can get my business going again is to literally beg that some kind person may be able to help. I am barely able to feed myself, let alone find money to market and renew my business. If you are genuine then any help would be much appreciated. Thankyou for taking time to read and possibly consider my request. Regards Charlie