Mother and daughter ready to die due to debts
Your gene, India
I am a daughter of a single mother.Lost my dad when i was 4 and mom was 24.Since then mom had been working hard to earn our livelihood.Some years back she signed as guarantor to a loan which her friend acquired and she absconded later on.So we were paying those interests by borrowing from else where and finally now in a situation of 30,00,000 INR debt.I know its a mistake to take it to this extent but now we are totally helpless.Sold off all our properties but still have to repay 22,00,000.Money lenders are literally on our necks every second and there is no minute we do not cry and weep.They are poking us to hell.Mom and me thought of commiting suicide.But its a sin to suicide.please generous people, please help us and save our lives.I promise to repay you if you need when i start earning money.please i Beg you .please have mercy on us.Please save our lives.
Mail id - jahnavi.vaka@gmail.com
Mobile - 8686246393

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