Money to Help Support My Child
Single Da, Central I
Hi--how are you? I am a 35 y.o. single/divorced father of a wonderful 8 y.o. little boy! I have full custody of my son, and we are very close.
We are the only family either of us has, as his mother barely sees him and does nothing to help support him. Unfortunately, most of my family is either deceased or lives very far away.
I have recently lost my job of five years working as a janitor due to cutbacks, and have been unemployed for six months. I apply for work and send my resume to various employers on a daily basis. I've had numerous interviews, but, all to no avail.
I am doing anything I can to scrape together enough money to support my little guy. Please help. Anything you can give, even the littlest amount, will make a difference in his life.
Thank you for taking the time to peruse this post. I am truly grateful. I can guarantee that all money received will go to support this deserving and intelligent child of mine, in order to ensure that he has a bright future.
Have a nice day!

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