mom and dad in jail supporting house with my little sister

Eric High, Pennsylva

Hey, My name is Eric I am a high school student and i have a problem.My mom and dad both went to jail for something they did when they were my age.My dad was always in jail and never really liked me but he supported the house, but my mom went to jail also and I don't know what i will do.I don't want to go to a family members house because they are most likely are going to treat my younger sister and i like trash.We were put in the same situation before and that's how it played out.So I'm here asking you guys to help my younger sister and i support ourselves i'm really thankful to anyone willing to help and anyone who read about my situation. And I also have this dream of going to college i already got accepted into it i just need a laptop in order to be up to date with everyone their.The school is called the University of Advancing Technology. Thank you.