Medical bills
- Hello, this is my last resort. My mother is sick and has lupus, god bless her soul. She is in the hospital but I an wanting to move her somewhere else with better care that is attentive to her specific needs. I am actively paying off as much as I can but could some help. I'm determined to get her better treatment. Anything helps thank you.

sorry to hear that thy lord is your strength are you on facebook to see you
Please help me keep a roof over my boys head. Single mum- worked all my life and financially worse than ever before 😞 years of abuse, now suicide bereavement- we just need a little kick start and someone to see us x
Hello. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read over my plea as humiliating as it is
I’m Melissa 47 year old single mum to 2 boys. Have been sole parent to them for 12 years
The story is long and overwhelming and too much to ever put you all through.
In a short cut version: I am at the lowest of lows in my life
I’m behind in every bill and hiding from every phone call. I spent 20 years devoted to the boys dad as childhood sweethearts. The road took a severe turn and resulted in me leaving and losing all I had.
He was a drug addict and was not a financial contributor to their lives. I went from having my own home to renting with nothing but my boys belongings
Years went on first separated then divorced and still stalked and tormented.
Covid lockdown hit and in true form a pay cut- the amount of rent I paid each month gone! Just like that I had to find money. I sank further
Lockdown ended and we tried normality- my youngest was attacked. This turned life on its again.
October 2021 at just 13 he tried to take his own life
All trauma spared- he is still here. Thanks to my big sister.
My true rock and saviour.
She saved him.
Life rolled on and by trying to save my boy I got stood down from work.
Life now was at an all time low.
So much has happened I could be here forever
October 2022
A part of me died
My big sister who only 12 months earlier saved my boy, took her own life. And I missed her call before she did 😞
Single mum of 3.
The pain is horrific. I cry every day. I am broken .
At the worst time, my work who pay monthly changed the pay date and I missed the boat.
I went 6 weeks and fell behind in all my bills
My big sister used to prop me up when I financially couldn’t get to the end of the month.
I received a $40 week rent increase at exact sane time and date changed on lease meaning I had to come up with 2 extra weeks
I also inherited one of her huge dogs!
So I’m now behind on every bill and rent and about to be homeless. It goes against everything for me to beg
I have no choice and will do whatever i can to try keep my rental and some dignity for my boys.
I thank you for getting to the end of my novel!
I suppose with my head hung low and total humiliation , I am hoping that someone might hear me and maybe a few dollars to spare.
We got down to 20 cents.
A feeling I have never had before and never want to have again.
Thanks again for taking time out to read my plea and if it resonates with any of you and you did want to help my details are below.
If my situation sounds like yours maybe at some stage and hove understanding of where I’m coming from and can understand my dire plea I would be ever so appreciative of any assistance you could maybe give.
Thanking you in advance
I can help you get the much needed help and a life time opportunities with Universal Life Church. I’m a minister at the church and I have my credentials as proofs. Send message to louis.r.mitchel@gmail.com. I wil reply your messages there. I’m here to help as many people as possible get the required help needed!