medical bills

Help my d, Usa

Imagine taking your beautiful 4-year old daughter to the doctor when you notice she's not her usual bouncy energeticself. Imagine your phone ringing late that night with surreal and shocking news;a pathologist calling you from her home;"You must get your daughter to BC Children's Hospital, TONIGHT".Imagine an emergency flight arranged at 2 AM from Campbell River to Vancouver, with two ambulances waiting to rush you and your scared sick toddler to the largest pediatric hospital in Western Canada.And then imagine the cold pit of fear inside you when you receive a terrifying diagnosis;Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia*.This is the story of Christa, Dax and their sweet little girl, Natalia. Natalia is currently in BC Children's Hospital in Vancouver, fighting for her life. As the toxic chemotherapy beginsto trickle in through a catheter in her chest, her parents will be at her bedside. They will be there as her blood is tested, her body is scanned, and the cancer is slowly eradicated. They will be there to wipe her tears, hold her hand, and calm her fears.They need our help. Hundreds of kilometres from home, they are starting a long journey to wellness. Natalia will be in or near Children's hospital for up to 8 months, and her family will need help with travel expenses, meals and accommodation, lost wages, and medication costs. It won't end there - her cancer treatment will continue for the next several years. This is an overwhelming burden for Christa, Dax, and Natalia's baby sister Annabel.You can help them in a practical way.Please make a donation forNatalia to help us SURPASSour fundraising goal, This will help tomeet their longer-term needs. All donations go directly to help the family.Thank you for your kindness and generosity