Major Dental Work Needed
Dreamer, Canada
I realize that this is a long shot, however, at this point it's worth a try even if nothing comes out of it. I have no other option and nothing to loose (except my pride & rotten teeth).
My Story: I am a single mother who has always put my son & others ahead of myself. Worked full time and made sure the bills were paid and all responsibilities were taken care of. There was no medical/dental plan with the company...anyway I had a heart attack (age 42) and with medical issues have not been back to work. The savings that I had is now gone and I am not currently working, nor am I on disability or welfare. I really really wanted to avoid having to go that route...although may soon need to consider it.
My teeth are a mess to say the least and I am in desperate need of major Dental work to be done. In reality getting dentures (top & bottom) is the only hope. I rely on Orajel & Tylenol Extra Strength daily to get some moderate relief from the constant pain & have just finished another round of anti-biotics to deal with an abscess. I realize I have no one to blame but myself for allowing them to get to the condition that they are now...but I have a HUGE fear of being in the dental chair and must be sedated to have work done....
Any donation would be very much appreciated and help toward putting a new happy shinny white smile on my face.

thank you!!…
Good day! How are you? You know, i feel very sad reading your post. By the way, my name is angel patricia go. I also wrote in this site last year to ask for a help i was desperately in need that time when someone offered me a help. They are mr and mrs gonzaga, they are old couple without siblings so they prefer to help people in need like us instead. They are very kind that they help me and my family pay our debts which is $76,000 Im so thankfull that there is still such a good samaritan like them who are willing to help people who are down and loosing hope. I just wanna share this blessing. Please dont tell them im the one who told you about them. They dont want to spread thier email because many had abuse them.tell them your story, they will listen.be sincere in asking. They only help people who deserves it. Good luvk and godbless. If you are interested, just email me back at mayetgo@gmail.com if not, just ignore.thanks