Major Dental Work Needed

Dreamer, Canada

I realize that this is a long shot, however, at this point it's worth a try even if nothing comes out of it. I have no other option and nothing to loose (except my pride & rotten teeth). My Story: I am a single mother who has always put my son & others ahead of myself. Worked full time and made sure the bills were paid and all responsibilities were taken care of. There was no medical/dental plan with the company...anyway I had a heart attack (age 42) and with medical issues have not been back to work. The savings that I had is now gone and I am not currently working, nor am I on disability or welfare. I really really wanted to avoid having to go that route...although may soon need to consider it. My teeth are a mess to say the least and I am in desperate need of major Dental work to be done. In reality getting dentures (top & bottom) is the only hope. I rely on Orajel & Tylenol Extra Strength daily to get some moderate relief from the constant pain & have just finished another round of anti-biotics to deal with an abscess. I realize I have no one to blame but myself for allowing them to get to the condition that they are now...but I have a HUGE fear of being in the dental chair and must be sedated to have work done.... Any donation would be very much appreciated and help toward putting a new happy shinny white smile on my face.