Lost job, to survive until get a job

Vijay, Middle Ea

Dear brothers and sisters, I am Vijay, an expatriate staying in U.A.E. I lost my job on 16th June 2011. Since then I am trying to get a job, but till today it is not happened, may be because of my age; even though still I’m optimistic. As an expatriate, company has to cancel my labor card and visa after a grace period of 1month and either can join other company if a job is in hand or leave the country. Because of my humble request, two times company postponed the cancellation and ending the time soon. I don’t have my own home in my motherland. Unless a new sponsor who apply for a visa/labor card and is issued by the Government, doing a job here is against law. My wish was to continue another few years until completion of my child’s education and arrange a job here, so that at least an earning member will be from the family, after me. Recently a Good Samaritan, who understood my struggle, agreed to arrange a visa (not a job), which will help me to stay here; but doesn’t help for an income. All the expenses for the visa must be provided by me. On his visa, I can stay here and search for a job, but don’t know how to meet the living costs and other expenses. No insurance to pass over this tough time. How low paid men deposit money for tough times? Monthly expenses are approximately US$2100, which includes rent, water and electricity, school fee, food-two times/day etc. and not sure how many months more I stay jobless I hope this is my first and last time request in my life to the man kind to click on the donate button and help me. I strongly believe that the amount donated now can be given back to needy people through this site or other charity sites in near future. Thank you very much to all the generous people for any help. May God bless all.