Lost job and broke

Any help , Cincinnat

My family has had a ruff couple of years!!..in September 2008 a tree fell on our rental house and we lost everything all while my wife was 6 months pregnant two years later while still rebuilding our lives we lost our second house to fire. our debt has gotten out of control , my wife is a chemical dependency therapist with the student loans to prove it and i have now lost my job...we are now afraid to answer our phones due to being behind on everything......i just want to get our lives back to normal and would also like for my family to have real furniture instead of air mattress ...any help from anyone would be a blessing.....i have always been the problem solver of my family and now i have run out of answers and have no one to turn to....our savings is long gone and we cant pay rent any longer and our other monthly bills at the same time ...we just keep getting farther behind