losing my family

Please he, Lowestoft

Hello. I'll start where it's ended. I've been told I owe £1200 it doesn't seem a lot but when your disabled and unable to work you rely on all you can get. I applied for a benefit and at the time my partner was in part time work. Since then she is on maternity leave due to having a baby. We are married now for 4 months and with a baby of 4 weeks. After I applied for the benefit I was paid for several months and now they have said I owe them overpayment as they never asked me to send them proof of my partners income. Now they are stopping all of her maternity pay untill it's paid off and we can't afford to live now. I only get £8.44 every two weeks as she was on maternity pay and we are only allowed so much per house hold. With a 4 week old baby we have cut back already on everything we could including all bills food and everything. And now we can't afford to live . If we can't get this sorted soon I will have to leave so she can get her money back and I dont want to leave my family. I can show proof of everything if need be. Please I truly need help not everything just as much help as you can give. Thank you.