loseing car and need it to go to doctors

Timothy, Kentucky

i need help i am loseing my car they going to repo it i only owe $1200 an then its paid off i need it so i can get back and fourth to the doctors. this is how all this debt has started i recently was injured at work i suffer from multiple nerve damage in my left arm and upper back which happen by lifting to much weight so i contacted a lawyer told them what happen then few weeks later they tell me work has no reports of my injuries when i have signed a injury report they denied it the doctors told me it will takes years before i am healed cause nerves can take up to 20 years to heal and cause alot of pain i tried to draw uneployment but they told me i did not qualify i have no clue why they would not give a reason so i am asking will someone please help me and may God bless you and Karma is good to you