living expenses and rent

Conix33, Texas

Hi, Thank you for reading my beg. I have a financial turmoil at this time. I am a student and I lost my job 4 months ago. I have been able to survive with the little saving but now I have completely broke. As i am writing, I have only $10 on hand with a midly sick wife. I sold all my stuff already and i dont know where to turn. I have not find a job yet. Unable to pay for the rent for 2 months, we might be eviceted soon. Now I have the rent bill , college tuitions bill both past due. I dont know what to do! I am not sleeping anymore. Please I would appreciate the generosity of people so the can send me something to at least have a roof and eat for a few weeks. I am begging you to send me $1000 ($900 for 2 months rent and $100 to eat) I really need more but first , we need to place to sleep. I will take care of the tuitions later. Please donate at paypal Thank you conix33