Keep Our American Dream Alive

Hopeful, Dallas

Hello, Recently, I quit my job and started up my own eBay business. It had been a dream all my life, to own my own business. I started just a few months ago, and everything was going flawless. I have a great supplier, great products, and great customer service, etc. While we were new on eBay, they had set limits on how much we could sell and Paypal put 21-day holds on all our funds, till the customers received their items. It was just recently, that we turned into eBay Powersellers and received the status of "Top Rated Sellers". Everything was going just perfect, up until recently. My mother-in-law needs a LOT of teeth work done. So, I decided I would list my cherished Jimi Hendrix poster online, to raise funds for her teeth work, because my business was new and not to the point of affording $5000 teeth work. I put it up for a 10-day auction and everything was going just fine. About halfway thru my auction, it was generating bids and lots of interest! Then, the bottom fell out..... A gentleman from California was interested in our poster, and stated that he would like to purchase it. He said if we took the listing down, he would send us $3500. We agreed and took it down. He paid us within 10 minutes! We thought we had hit the jackpot. Not only was my business taking off, now I could afford my mother-in-laws teeth work! The very next day, I put his poster in the mail and we went to pay the down payment at the dentist and a few other bills off. Everything was looking good. Later that night, I received an email from Paypal, that the buyer had put a claim in! He stated that it was not as described, even though he had not even received it yet! It was still in route, thru the postal service. He had buyers remorse and Paypal froze my funds up. No big deal, I am an eBay Powerseller, I should be able to make the funds really fast, right? No. When a customer buys something from us, we use their money they just paid us, to purchase their part and have it shipped to them. If my Paypal account is frozen and in the red for $3000, I am not able to sell anything or ship anything off! Now, Paypal has paid the customer back and I am just sitting here trying to figure out what to do next. My dream I had started and finally got off the ground, is now ruined. I worked 20 hour days to get this off the ground, and now feel like a failure. I cannot do anything until the money is paid back. I have no way of doing anything. I quit my job to do this and we are now struggling. It actually makes me sick, knowing I tried so hard to get to the Powerseller level, to have it all ruined because a customer wanted his money back on an item I had a "No Refund Policy" on. Paypal ruled in his favor without even talking to me. My Paypal balance is a -$2741.79. I really need help getting it back to ZERO. Please consider a donation for a guy that is really trying to do something with his life. I am a 40 year old male and have been a failure all my life and now I have something that is working, and just when my family started noticing, my hopes were all dashed again. Failure surrounds me. I could really use any help you can give at this time. I am a "Pay It Forward" type of guy myself. If I am helped out of this mess, I will Pay It Forward in the near future, to a charity in the same amount. Thanks for your time...........