I\'ve no money for a new pc, and mine is dying
My pc is , Italy
Hi, I'm 17 years old, soon 18. My hobbies are web developing (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP), desktop programming (python, c++, c#), graphics (Photoshop, Illustrator & blender), school (AutoCAD, CNC Simulation, pneumatic/oil dynamic simulation, and many others), and also gaming when I've time, but this is going to last for not so much time from now, because my hardware is going to die. I've already lost 2GB of ram, and now I am with only 1GB, now I can barely open xampp or firefox. The integrated audio card doesn't work anymore. CrystalDisk Info also gave me a bad news: My HDD is going to die soon... And my GPU is also giving troubles sometimes, like giving no signal (while my pc is running). I've actually some money saved, but I need them for eating at school and for transportation. Also need a driver's license soon. The few euros I have earned these years were already spent for books, and the last ones that remained are going to be spent for the license and for maintain me during this school's year. I'm also trying to find small jobs and tasks to earn money online, but since I can't do big works (because of ram), and don't have much time (school) I've only earned only $11 which are €9.35 (PayPal).
I've already made a wish list on amazon (http://www.amazon.it/registry/wishlist/2UP7QLT8QH8BU), I would also be able to buy only Case, CPU, ram, motherboard and the power supply, so I could just start using the pc for my hobbies with my old gpu (since it works) and my old HDD (since it works too). This would be something, and costs 500€ approximately. My pc is more than 6 years old, and I'm happy that it lasted so much time, and without it I won't be able to practice my hobbies and do my school assignments (which i can't do now because of ram). For now i don't need the GPU, because gaming is not so important, I just want to continue studying and practice my hobbies. If I had the money for buying it I wouldn't certainly came here, my family is not rich and without the help of someone else I'm not able to buy it or just save even 100-200€.
Even if you're not going to donate, thanks! Because if you've reached this part of story, at least you have not closed this page at the first row...

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