Is finding it very hard to get back on my feet!!!
Lilljen, Scotland,
Hi, I'm a single mum of 2 boys and I work exteremely hard to give them a decent life away from benefits! I have managed to purchase our own home 10 years ago and knew that would give them a sound future. But with your own home comes maintenance and with the current climate I am really struggling to make the ends meet! my bills are piling up and we need new windows and doors! The recent storm we had paid to that.
We have had a really bad year. I lost my dad to leukemia in November and we were burgled on christmas day - he took everything we had and turned our home upside down and then I realsied I had let my insurance lapse due to circumstances over the year! ( The burglar was caught thankfully...but nothing returned!!).I find it very hard to ask for help as I have been very independant in my life but I am getting to the stage that I think I might have hand my home back to the bank!!!!. I pray every night that something will change!
Lots of love me and my boys.xxxx

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