In a Desperate Situation

Lonewolf, Canada

Hi, I am new to this, and have no idea what to say. I am an older lady, living in Canada with arthritis, and I have found myself no longer working, and was living pay to pay and not much money, but it paid the bills. I have been trying to get together money to get my teeth and gums seen to, after an injury to my gums about four years ago now. I am a person everyone always said would never lose their teeth, due to my brushing and flossing four times per day, but the last few years, going on four years this year, I have had serious non stop infection in my gums and the dentists say to come back once I have lots more money. It will be costing a mint now as more wrong with the infection causing more problems. I find it getting very scary for me as the Medical Dr. says the infection has to be going through my body, and will at some point go to the heart or brain and kill me. I feel so helpless, and no way to help myself. I am sick and dizzy on occasion, maybe from all this, but no way to change it. I need to reach out and ask others, so I have decided to try this. I have no one that can help me, and I was told I must also live in an area with cleaner air and not the smog. I moved to cleaner air, but cannot get out and about in all the snow, due to arthritis and would like to live closer to family out west if possible as well, but means getting enough to retire with in the future, and I will not have that. My retirement would never cover rent and expenses in the future. I am seeking work now as recently unemployed due to the language laws here and I speak only English. I can get work out west but not afford rent in the area it is offered. I really am scared of getting worse off with all the infection and I have two loving cats I want to keep in my life. My story is long, so no room for all of it, but I chose what I feel is important, my teeth, gums, roof over my head with my two cats. I have had them since they were born. They really keep me responsible, and feel needed by them as well. I Love the cats and they love me. I do not take drugs, rarely, if ever have a drink, as not into alcohol, and do not smoke. I am just a person that had something happen in my life to set me back, and at my age, yes I am an older woman, and it is not as easy to get work as I get older and My teeth are just not helping the situation at all. My two front teeth are missing and a third one very loose. I hope someone is out that that cares and can understand how I am feeling and can see I am actually desperate as worry my health will get worse though I have always taken care to eat right, brush my teeth, floss etc. Getting older and no money to survive on. I am not very good at seeking help, and really have no idea what to say, but thought I should at least try and see if anyone can help me. I would appreciate it greatly. If I get more than I ever felt I would, then I will also help others that are in need. I believe that is what life is all about. People coming together and helping one another. I thank you for taking the time to read this. It is my last hope.