I\'m in between jobs.
PLEASE HE, Californi
Hi! First let me say that this is my first time on this website! I was kind of modest to ask for anything, I hate asking for anything from anyone but unfortunately that's not the way the world works. ;/ If you wants something you have to ask for it. I am in fact a 'foster child' at the moment and I don't have a lot of money. I'm going to be enrolled in College pretty soon & I'll have even less money. I'm indeed in the position of getting a job, but I haven't exactly found one yet!! I have a birthday coming up in November & I'm planning on going out of state. I want to try & get some work out there & have fun while I'm doing it, but I need money while I'm out there. I'm trying to raise about 5,000 in a month. If anyone can donate anything then that will be great, god bless you all.
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