I\'m a FIGHTER! 8 Surgeries, need help with medical bills!

Jennifer , United St

My name is Jennifer. I've had health problems most of my life, and finally got my parents to tell me that I have over $23,000 in medical bills. I am 26 but still live with my parents so they can help with my medical care. I've had eight surgeries, and that doesn't include all the dental work I've had to have done, including oral surgery. I am a FIGHTER! I went back and got my high school diploma and I'm currently taking college classes one at a time to pursue my dream to become an Infant / Toddler teacher. Right now I have a tumor that's grown on the caudate lobe of my liver and is inoperable becuase it's wrapped itself around the blood vessels that lead to my heart; surgery on this tumor would result in losing my liver entirely or damaging my heart. I am in pain almost every day but I am doing my best to live life to the fullest! I love to sing, write, and play video games. My next goal is to get my driver's license and build up my strength so I can go outside every day. I would appreciate anything you can give, and even more, your prayers. God bless you and thank you for reading my page.