I want to start a Photography Studio Business
Photograp, New Delhi
I would like to start a photography studio business. But due to lack of fund, I could not start it. Please donate for me to start my photography studio project. The money would be used to buy the necessary equipments. This includes camera, computers, applications, backup hardware and strategies, printers, network configuration, and everything else I use on a regular basis. This doesn’t only include processing and printing, and framing, but also marketing, writing, teaching workshops, and everything else that keeps the bills payed.
Details of my Photography Studio Project is given below:
1. Getting the Right Equipment
The following equipments would be needed at the initial stages:
• Cameras
• Electronic flash units
• Lenses
• Studio lights
• Tripods
• Studio stands
• Filters
• Various types of background like seamless paper
The following equipment also needs to be bought for carrying out the business processes of a studio:
• Computer
• Scanner
• Telephone
• Office furniture
• Fax
2. I also want to focus on wildlife and nature photography. The major buyers in these cases are picture editors and art directors of the following publications:
• Nature magazines
• Calendars
• Travel magazines
• Textbooks
• Wildlife picture books
• Reference books
3. I would also do the following things to set up a good rapport with the prospective buyers:
• Covering a local charity event
• Offering photography workshops
• Covering a not for profit organization’s event
The fee structure for my photograpy studio may be broken down as below:
Basic fee – the minimum charges that ensure overhead expenses are met and also generate some profit
Creative fee – the amount that is deemed sufficient for the skills and dedication put in by the photographer. This is in addition to the basic fee
Usage fee – this enables the photographer to quote even better prices depending on the way the photographs are to be used
Expenses and margin – this covers the expenditure personally done by the photographer for the shoot. The margin helps in covering the expenses for specialized equipment like the following:
• Film
• Services of models or hair stylists
• Props

Good day! How are you? You know, i feel very sad reading your post. By the way, my name is angel patricia go. I also wrote in this site last year to ask for a help i was desperately in need that time when someone offered me a help. They are mr and mrs gonzaga, they are old couple without siblings so they prefer to help people in need like us instead. They are very kind that they help me and my family pay our debts which is $76,000 Im so thankfull that there is still such a good samaritan like them who are willing to help people who are down and loosing hope. I just wanna share this blessing. Please dont tell them im the one who told you about them. They dont want to spread thier email because many had abuse them.tell them your story, they will listen.be sincere in asking. They only help people who deserves it. Good luvk and godbless. If you are interested, just email me back at mayetgo@gmail.com if not, just ignore.thanks