I want to give Mom wonderful but cheap vacation

Mom and d, Napa, Son

I am not asking for much and this is not an emergency. My mom is a poor single lady with health problems living in the midwest. She never gets to do anything or go anywhere. She is a sweetie and goes to church. She recently lost a bunch of weight with diet, exercise, and hard work and was able to go off all her diabetes and blood pressure meds! This coming August 2012, I would like to fly her out here near me (San Francisco) and give her a week of vacation where she does not have to spend a dime, as she has no money. She lives on a farm with nothing around. She has never been to the San Francisco or Sonoma area. As for me, I am a single young lady here in SF and I work in I.T. for a living but only have enough to pay my rent (i live alone and support myself) and electricity and food. Nothing more. I would like to bring my mom to the Napa/Sonoma vineyards on a wine tour. Maybe the wine train tour? Also to Fishermans' Wharf and do all the touristy things. Also a brunch cruise. The Aquarium. California Academy of Sciences. Ripley's Wax Museum. Fine Dining, a concert (maybe Yanni). And I dont know what else. Plus, her airfare ($500) to get here and back. This is a dream that I want to fulfill with my mom. You never know how long you are going to have your mom around, and I want to make this vacation spectacular for her! Nothing I want to do with my mom is all that expensive. But I want it to be MEANINGFUL, heartfelt, and a trip she wont forget. (I originally wanted to give her a trip to Hawaii, but there is no way I can afford that.) This is no emergency. I do not want to compete with the people out there needing heart surgery. This is just a vacation with my mom. But you never know unless you have the courage to ask, right? Any amount will help. I'm going to put every penny into a Chase Savings account and save until August when Mom gets here for a week of vacation; August is also my birthday. (if we can afford it). If you contribute to this, I will send you all kinds of photos from mine and my momma's vacation in August!!