I need your help

Hello, Unfortunately 4 years ago I got injured and ended up having herniated disk in the neck and it made my life very difficult. I used to work before, but as the years pass and the injury got worse, I have a hard time keeping a job. The hernias make the whole right side of my body weak. I'm talking head to toe. Someday I feel ok, others days horrible, but there hasn't been a day where I felt a 100%. I would love to go back to school to study something where my body wouldn't be a factor, unlike what I got a diploma in, but the bills piled up. I'm currently $13500 in debt, down from $15050 that I was 2 years ago, but up from $12700 I was at in February (Last time I was able to held a job). I wish I could held a simple job like working in a call center just to pay off the debt, but sadly I can't. So I'm just asking you to help me to the best of your abilities, Thank you in advance.