I need Help with Rent
Mommy0709, Fairborn
Hello my name is Rikki. My family and I need help with paying our rent. This my last stitch effort on getting rent paid before eviction letter comes. The reason I need help paying my rent is because my fiance hours dropped. They went for 60+ down to 28. My fiance works as a auto body tech and is paid on commission. You only get paid when you have car(s) to work on. His shop he works at is really slow. He is looking for another job and has interview with plumbing company. He is going to leaving auto body and go back to plumbing witch he has 10+ years exp. So I know once he goes to the interview he will get the job. I just really need the help to get out of this hole before it to late. My rent is $675 and $50 late fee = $725. I owe now for 2 months making my rent owe total 1450. I did send 200 week before last. bring it down to $1250. Next week I have to pay electric and water or they will be shut off so I can't send anything again to rent.I figure if I can get $2000 all tougher I can pay off all bills and have a fresh start. But getting just rent 1250. Will make a world of a difference. Or any amount really. Plus my fiance will have a new job that pays better and more reliable.