I need help to live and don\'t go to prison.

Mik, Poland

Hi all, I don't even know how I should start my statement... I am 28 years old. I am a graduate of three universties. After graduation, I tried to start a business. For this purpose, I borrowed from the bank large amount of money. Because my credit worthines was poor, also my grandmother has take one big credit and gave me the money. I had contact with people from the Netherlands, who offered me cooperation. When I was there to visit them first time, everything was ok and looks great. They show me many "possibilities" to do business. Second time I came back to them with money... And then I can realize what they really want to do. They took all money. They had guns with them and thay threat me they shoot me. It was 40 thousand euros... I reported it to the police in Holland, but they can't find anybody... It was in the end of january... After my comeback to home I realize that i have to give bank more than thousand euro every month. My 86 years old grandmother has 250 euros monthly... Without capital I am not able to do any business, I can't get new credit in any other bank. My grandmother and my mother are sick and I can't even go abroad to work. The best job offer in my city gave my only 400 euros salary... It is very hard to live now. If I will not pay my debts, then I will go to the prison, because that is law in my country. I appeal to all good people for help. Any donation means real a lot for me. Thank You and God Bless Ya...