I need car for work.

I need ca, Usa

I'm here to get help with getting my life back in order and to try to give my family a better life. My Cancer Story. My cancer story began almost seven years ago when I found a tiny lump in my right breast. Back then I let it go because no one in my family ever had cancer so I didn't worry about it. For three years it stayed small and by that time i was in denial and I continued to let it go. The next two years it started getting bigger and I was afraid to go to the doctor and ashamed that I had let it go for so many years and I was still in denial. In 2010 it was really big and I had made up my mind that after Christmas of that year I would go get it checked out. Well I finally worked up the courage in Feb. 2011. What I didn't know was there was another lump that I couldn't feel and by that time I had developed stage 3 cancer. In Feb 2011 I was told I had breast cancer. Stage 3/A. On March 1st(my grandmother's birthday) I had my right breast removed and 19 lymph nodes removed from under my arm. In April 2011 I started 6 months of chemo treatments and after that I did 6 weeks of radiation. I think I finished up everything in Jan. 2012. What my life is like now......my hair has come back thank goodness. I don't have to go to the doctor all the time. The tingling in my hands and feet has almost gone away and food taste so good now. The bad things that I'm left with are aches and pains in my joints and bones. Limited use of my right arm. The loss of a few teeth. In a way I lost a since of innocences. I know that sounds crazy but before cancer I was never sick. I had two babies and that was the extent of my hospital stays. Had the flu twice in my life but that was about it. Cancer is a awful thing but it can be beat. The other things that I'm left with are mixed feelings. I feel stronger because I survived but I guess I'm still angry sometimes. I still feel shocked that it happened to me. Please don't be afraid to go to see a doctor. If I had went when I first found my lump, I would not have lost my breast. I would give anything to turn back time to that moment and been brave and had the guts to go. And please have your mammograms. I struggle every month to keep food on the table and to pay bills and get my daughter clothes. I draw a disablility check but it's not enough to live off of sometimes. I also want to get a car so I can maybe go back to school and go back to work. My address is 700 Highland St., Asheboro NC 27203. Also I use coupons. So those would be great to get. Any money saving ideas or suggestions would be helpful. If you want to just write me a letter I will send one back. I would love to have some penpals because my social life is limited. Not looking for any romances just friends who have been in my shoes or are going through the same thing as I did. I love getting things in the mail. Its so fun and would have been great when I was doing chemo because I didn't feel like socializing at the time. Chemo is the worst thing I've ever had to do and I pray that some day no one will ever have to experience it.