I need an ice pick

We're al, Everywher

Recently, I was laid off from work. Like anybody else that doesn't actually want to be here begging for money, I went out and started looking for a job. On my sixth week of unemployment and with bills starting to pile a liiiittle too high, I finally got a call back on a promising interview for a job I was excited about. I left home early on a Tuesday, drove to the interview, nailed it, and then beaming with pride, drove home. Well, I guess I was a little too excited when I left because I forgot to turn the iron off and despite what you may think from all of the times that you yourself have left the iron on without consequence, they can start fires. Sooo...I'm kind of homeless now (and I didn't get the job). All and all, I'm still alive so I can't complain too much... ...but it gets worse. At the shelter I'm staying at there's a cute little girl who sleeps on the cot next to me. She and her mother came to the United States as refugees from Yugoslavia after the father was killed as part of some civil unrest. Well thanks to some donors to the shelter, she ended up with an emergency radio that runs for a couple of minutes at a time after she winds it up. Unfortunately for everyone, however, she has grown quite fond of Just Bieber, or "The Biebs", as they seem to refer to him on the radio. And now every time his "Girlfriend" song comes on the radio she frantically winds up her radio to make sure it doesn't cut out mid-song. She sings her little heart out and despite the fact that everyone around her is annoyed as hell we can't say anything because she's just so darn cute (we might even sing along with her from time to time). So, long story short, I need a few bucks to buy an ice pick so I can jam it in my ears and save myself from ever having to hear The Biebs again. That and she could use an legitimate radio before her arm falls off in a winding frenzy...