I just need a car.

Jax, UK

Hello! I start a new job next week, a job I have been searching for since becoming a widowed single parent 2 years ago. I am thrilled to finally have a job and can't wait to start! There is just one problem. To get my daughter to school and then get myself to work is going to be really really tight. I will have 20 minutes to get from the school to my place of work, and it's either an hours walk or 40 minutes using public transport. Then it's the same thing after - my hours are 9am to 3pm so I will have 15 minutes to get to school to collect her at the end of the day and that's impossible using public transport or walking. I fear any money I may have spare to save for a car will be used paying for cabs every day so I am not late for work or late picking her up from school. There is no-one who can take my daughter to school or collect her for me, that's something I have been trying to organise for the last fortnight with no success. My work hours are not flexible. Once I have started work I can begin to save for a car, I am just really worried about the first month or so and don't want to mess it up due to unavoidable lateness - I desperately need this job, it's taken so long to find. Thank you for reading this far. I am not asking for money for a new car, £1000 should be enough to get a decent used car and the first years insurance. It would make things so much easier for us! Thank you x