I can't tag and register my car.
My name is T. I'm 20 years old and I live in Overland Park, KS. I have a full time job at a retail pharmacy and only make $10.50 an hour. I also work on the weekends as a part time server to try and make ends meet. For the past 3 months I've been desperately trying to get my car tagged and registered but since I have other bills and obligations I'm unable to save money. I don't qualify for loans because my credit history is so small which in turn gives me a low credit score or no credit score at all. All together I need $1,000 to get registered and tagged. I hate asking for help but I'm willing to even pay back someone who may give me a loan. I'm just in a hard spot right now as I can image a lot of people are. Have a blessed day.

Hello, How are you doing today, My name is Richard Todd Ward by name, I’m contacting you behave of Global giving Organization, You may be wondering how and where i got your email address is through the donating and Berger website you set up your profile , My project from the Organization is to find people that are interested in donation or loan on the internet. Rolling Jubilee is to Strike Debt, help people in need until they get back on their feet and also give out loan. This is a legal and profitable Organization, You can contact me back to know if you are still looking for assistance or loans and tell me how much we can donate for you.
You can e-mail us Back if you are interested in getting anything from us and i know the penny we give to you will be appreciated so let us know your problem and the lord will take control over everything.
So get back to me and let me know what we can do to render a help for you.
Best Regard,
Richard Todd.
I really advise you to check out these already programmed ATM cards with over $200,000 USD distributed by Humanity Utility Token Groups. You could use some extra cash this season.
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I can help you get the much needed help and a life time opportunities with Universal Life Church. I’m a minister at the church and I have my credentials as proofs. Send message to louis.r.mitchel@gmail.com. I wil reply your messages there. I’m here to help as many people as possible get the required help needed!
Espero encontremos ayuda. en mi caso, viaje a Belgica como migrante para encontrar un mejor futuro, hasta ahora desafortunadamente mis gastos han incrementado muchisimo más, y me he topado con una crísis economica aqui en este país, ya que debido a la guerra el gas es muy costoso y la electricidad y alimentación tambien, El frio es algo dificil para adaptarse por lo que estoy bastante preocupada con mi situacion actual y mi situacion financiera, Estoy aqui totalmente sola, con muy pocos recursos y obteniendo ingresos exporadicos, se me hace imposible regresar a mi país con las deudas que tengo ahora y con la crisis economica y laboral de mi país. Si siente que puede ayudarme con algo lo agradeceria muchisimo. un abrazo