Huge debt, people put prices on my head, dropped school at 16..
No suppor, Montréal
I am begging tonight because I tried my best with banks and loaners but no success.
I am 18 years old going 19 the 22 September,I have absolutly no support fron either my parents or family.
What happen in 2009,
I was hanging out with my (fake) friends and one of my friend sister is going out on a date with a drug dealer that is a real deal. One day I made the mistake of blurring his buissness papers and he founded out i did it but i didnt want to do it but anyways, i got caught, they brought me in a small appartement and started to beat the sht out of me.. and they dropped me off at my house.
The initial debt is 13,000$ in 2009.
Now , 7 September 2013, i am at 36,200$ (including miss payments, fail to make a payments, cash advances and interest.)
I am getting to a point of my life that insteaf of finishing my life, i decided to turn my self over and tell the world what I did wrong.
I have no friends, no one to talk too.
I have no more income, since they got too much contacts they would find me in a hour max(like at my last job,had to quit because it.)
I have no one to tell my problems.
I have no where to hang out anymore.
And i almost have no more sense in life...
I want to finish school but i cant because the guys would find me.
I want to work but i cant because of the guys...
I want to live freely like as i was before, but i cant because i have no diploma, no income and no contact... i dont want to die early nor die sadly..
I want to be able to retrive my energy to work and not being scared anymore of going out..
And ultimately, be able to re-unit with my mom and dad.

ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…
@vigs9000 will do so.
I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on audreduarte@yahoo.com
good day.. first of all, i want to introduce my self my name is angel patricia go i also wrote in this site last year where you also wrote and ask for a help. i just want to tell you that i can help you. i can help you not financialy but i wil tell you that there are still good person in this world who are wiling to help people in need like us. they are mr and mrs gonzaga they dont have children so they prefer to help people in need. he help me and my family pay our debts which is 76,000usd.. i am so thankful that there are stil such good samaritan like them and i hope that they wil also help you and pls dont tel them that i am the one who told you about them because they only help people who deserve it thats what i can do.i just want to share this blessing. tell them your story they wil listen. hope they wil help you too like what they did to me and my family.good luck and god bless. if you are interested just let me know email me at mayetgo@gmail.com