Homeless, Jobless.

Gurveer S, Uttrakhan

Hello members of ebeggers.com I am from Uttrakhand, India. I used to live in Kedarnath where I had a small business of grocery store. Everything was going on well. But on June 2013 tragic happened. If you heard of news then you must be knowing that a cloudburst happened in Uttrakhand form July 12 to 17. 4,000+ people are still feared dead. I was lucky to be saved by God's grace. But I lost my home. I lost my shop, and I even lost my livelihood. Since I am not qualified enough I didn't get a job and so I was forced to beg in a city called Benaras. Yesterday someone told me about your site. So with his assistance I setup my paypal account today and also wrote this article. Hope you guys understand my condition. I have my wife and 2 children to feed. Please save me from this calamity and support me by donating just 1$