HELP!!!it isn’t over yet!!!

Smittenki, Wisconsin

We finally chased the foreclosure wolves away by going through a Ch.13 Bankruptcy. That’s a Federal program. So now I am told I need cash money for court costs, lawyers fees, trustees fees, moderator’s fees, and more and more and more! The whole mess begins to total about $25,000.00!!! How in the world do they expect a bankrupt person to come up with that kind of money!!! I am an older disabled widow (left club foot and leg, with no cartilage knees). My husband of 21 years died unexpectedly some 3 years ago. The household income was cut 3/4ths at his death. He was a disabled Vietnam era vet of 10 Army years. We purchased this house about 2 years before he died with his VA mortgage, never thinking his PTSD would take such a sudden turn for the worse. He died of “non-combat causes” 20 days before his 100% disability would have been 10 years. Therefore I have been told I do not receive a widow’s VA pension. This matter has still not been resolved, as I am appealing their wrong information. These last three years I have been trying to get a mortgage modification, and keep our house from foreclosure. However, due to a string of very odd, disturbing, and harshly negative circumstances, including this “no” “yes” “no” four time roller coaster of foreclosure from that mortgage bank, I seriously panicked and my Panic Attack Anxiety Disorder (PAAD) syndrome has gotten very much worse. To top all this off, on October 13, 2013 we had a kitchen fire at the electric stove; the kitchen was toast!! No one was injured. Because of the cold and snow last winter, the contractors finally finished in June,2014. But as soon as the last insurance check was cashed, the mortgage bank, which had put me on a “probable” loan modification program, started up this foreclosure medley again. Again, I heard this from a third party. Nothing formal in writing. To keep my mind alive I began researching and writing an episodic fantasy. Two friends, published awarded novelists, have seen some of what I have done so far and are very excited about its possibilities as a viable publication. I was invited to participate in the “A Novel in November” contest. But I have been so wrapped up with the foreclosure dilemma, and now this bankruptcy pressure, that I have not been able to think creatively or work further on the project. Am fully aware that nothing comes easy, but also know that: ~~~>God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1-Corinthians 10:13. What I am asking for {{??begging in desperation??!!!}} are two kinds of help. --->>First: I need any amount of money from any amount of people so I can pay bankruptcy fees of $25,000.00 and finish clearing this mess up. Any donation would help move this mountain of a mess move along. It’s a VA loan, and the VA hasn’t even given me any help or information. So I’m looking for “angels” [in the Broadway sense] who would gift me any amount of money so I could pay off these bankruptcy fees. Or, if possible, put me in touch with someone or someplace or some organization that could help. --->>Secondly: Prayer that I will be able to continue keeping my house, and will be able to quickly find the money to pay these court mandated fees. I really believe God has put me here for a reason, but this financial situation is a mountain that has to be moved. And I also believe the devil does not want me to be here. So I look for inspiration: Luke,11:9;---And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Thank you for reading this, and donating something towards these mandated Ch.13 Bankruptcy fees which have mounted to almost $25,000.00, so I may continue to keep our house.