Help with stage two paralysis,pay off debts and asking for medical expenditure

Nitant , India

Dear funders, Thanks for taking up your valuable time and fill the need to help my family to pay off debts and medical expenditure.I created this campaign to help out my family who are in very critical conditions in india. We are a family of 5 with mother,father and 2 younger brothers.My father,aged 50 got paralysis attack few months back.So,he was laid off from his job and currently on bed at home.My mother is housewife while 2 brothers are stiil studying. My father was the main provider and source earner for bread and livelihood.After his illnes,we came into horrible situation as my father had debts around 200,000 $ for various personal needs at home,for our studies etc. And now my mother too got one paralysis stroke recently.Also,medical expenses for both is nearly around 100,000 $. Now i am the only wage earner for my family earning merely 6000 INR per month. Hence,i am asking for just a SECOND CHANCE this one time from the funders  to support us and keep us on our feet.We only need help of each and everybody who can contribute somehow and help us to make it amother 4-5 months to pay off debts and medical costs. Once again,we will use funds ONLY for the utilities,medical and to pay off debts.I have also created paypal a/c for this.My paypal id is: Thank you in advance once again for going thru our campaign and for your help. Thank you, Nitant