help with replacing a vehicle and move to another part of the country
Robert Ro, Winnipeg
My wife and I are in need of 5 to 8 thousand dollars to buy a used vehicle. We were both laid off term position jobs and have struggled finding new jobs our ages have played a role as we are in our mid 50s. Questions I have been asked in job interviews showed in very subtle ways that my age has been obstacle. We have finally found employment but we have to move across country and our current vehicle can not make the trip, in order in take on our new jobs we need to get another vehicle. We are broke to say the least. We were scammed out of what life savings we had left. Desperate for making any kind of income I was taken in when I took on a mystery shopping job that turned out was anything but. As result we have collection agencies after us. My step daughter who struggles with mental health issues tried to kill herself because she could not handle stress the household was under, Finally there is a light at the end of the tunnel, family and friends have done what they can I now am seeking help on ebeggers. If you choose to lend a helping hand I thank you, if not I do understand and thank you to all who take the time to read this.
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