Help us bring our happy back......

Holm2007, Upstate,

I really hate doing this..but I feel trapped..I know that our situation is not as bad as some on here. My husband and I have 4 children from ages 11 to 1. We've finally been planning our first family vaction...ever. We've never been anywhere together other than day trips. But be decided this year to really try hard and save up to take the kids to Orlando. My Mom passed away unexpectedly on Jan 1st from uterine cancer. I say unexpectedly because she was doing so well and everyone thought she was fine and just then she left us so quickly. She went into the hospital on Christmas Eve. And she passed away 5 days before my birthday. It was very emotionally draining for all of us and left us devastated. Having to pay for her final expenses has really put a wrench in our financial situation. So I know most of you would say, well just don't go on vacation. But it's so much more than that....we were all so very close to my Mom. She lived with us and took care of her 4 grandkids while we worked. They were her passion and she was so proud of them. I feel like they deserve this trip more than ever...we all just need to get away...and enjoy being a family again. I know that is easier said then done, but I believe this is a big step in that direction. And because my mom watched the kids and we cannot afford daycare, I work 1st shift and my husband works 2nd so that we don't need daycare. But we sacrifice our time together doing this also. We basically only see each other on the weekends. So there has not been much joy for any of us, since she left. On top of this, we cannot fly because it is just too expensive for the 6 of us and our van needs $700 worth of work done to it and we need that to drive down. So I apologize if you read this and are offended because you think my request is petty. But I appreciate anyone who could help us bring a little bit of happiness to our lives again. You have no idea how much it means. Any little bit would be so appreciated....God bless!