HELP to combat FIRE DAMAGE and eminent FORECLOSURE
Smittenki, Milwaukee
Help me! and also Pray for me. I am about to lose my home in foreclosure because the bank would not take partial mortgage payments. They also did not have the courtesy to ever serve me with foreclosure papers. So now I am going to have to go through bankruptcy.
To top all this off on Sunday afternoon, October 13th we have had a kitchen fire at the electric stove {{i hate electric stoves}}---the kitchen is toast!! No one was injured. The house is still very liveable, only smoke damage. But we get a new kitchen, new appliances, and i get my gas stove. The contractors are busy working and i’m sitting here shaking. It could have been so much worse. Hey everybody i'm still alive {{i think??}}.
I am an older disabled widow (left club foot and leg, with no cartilage in my knees), whose husband of 21 years died unexpectedly some 2 years ago. He was a disabled Vietnam era vet of 10 Army years, and had been granted 100% disability for dystemia in September, 2001 (for which he had been granted 20% on his demobilization in 1981). We had purchased a house about 2 years before he died, never thinking his illness would take such a sudden turn for the worse. He died of non-combat causes 20 days before his 100% disability would have been 10 years. Therefore I do not receive a widow’s VA pension.
However, due to a string of very odd, disturbing, and harshly negative circumstances, I seriously panicked. Some years back I was diagnosed with a series of TIA’s (small brain strokes) which unhinged some of the synapses in my brain. This resulted in my acquiring a Panic Attack Anxiety Disorder (PAAD) syndrome, which made it impossible to teach college classes or perform my storytelling show.
After being referred to over 25 agencies that I was told would help me, then being told “we don’t do that any more”, and being passed from one agency to another to another to another, I was feeling that no one saw me or heard me or believed anything I said. When I asked for help they said “yes”, but didn’t do what they promised, probably hoping I would forget and go away. So I kept sinking deeper into this mental slog of PAAD despair, which lasted for most of these last fourteen months.
The whole problem now is how to save this house. I’ve got no other place to go. I also have taken in two lady friends, a mother, and her adult daughter who has two small girls 9 years and 9 months old, as roommates, who also have had no other place to go. Besides, they both had their wallets stolen at their recent family gatherings, apparently by a cousin (but no actual proof), and are now fighting identity theft problems.
Practically, it would be less expensive for the government if I were here in my own house with my lady friends. Assisted living homes, etc. are much more expensive than what is needed to help keep me in this house (besides, I’d have to give up my computer and my cat). Preserving a very old house that pays taxes and is a part of the neighborhood is a more viable solution.
What I am asking {{??begging??}} for are two kinds of help.
First, an “angel” [in the Broadway sense] who would gift or finance me enough money to be able to save the house. Or, if possible, put me in touch with someone or someplace that would.
Secondly, Prayer to save the house. I really believe God has put me here for a reason, but this financial situation is a mountain that has to be moved. And I really believe also the devil does not want me to be here. So I look for inspiration: Luke,11:9;---And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
It is quite embarrassing to write this letter, which sounds like one of those junk mail scamish letters. Be assured, though, this is for an immediate {and panicked} need. Please be sympathetic to my situation. I ask you for both financial help and prayer, and hope that God will move you to share both with me. But if you cannot, please feel free to pass this on to any person or charity that can help.

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