Help!!!!! Please For my children

Ms.Brown, Stone Mou

Hello my name is Abena Brown I'm a mother of 4 children. I moved to Atlanta ga 6 months ago running from my children dad. He had been beating on me for so many years and my children have seen this go on for so long... What made me get up and run was my 6 year old son ask me one day " mommy why do you keep letting daddy hit on you? Mommy please let's leave when daddy go to sleep.. And that's what we did... I called my best friend that moved to Ga. And ask her could we come there and she told me only if I was ready to get away from my children dad... My children and I got on a bus all the way here.. This was the best thing I have every did for my children. My friend let us stay with her and family, then she help me get a job so I could take care of my family. Then my job laid me off. I don't have the any money to pay my rent or pay for the gas to keep the house and water hot. I just want to know can you help my children and I. I'm out doing everything I can to go out and look for work when my children are in school but it's very hard when I don't even have a car or bus fare to get there. But that don't stop me sometimes I walk until I can't walk anymore. Whatever you can do for my family will be much appreciated.