Help me with car fix!

Sebastian, France

Hello. My name is Sebastian. I am a hard working father of three children. However, I am only earning about 900 euro (that's about 1000 dollars for me and my family). My wife is even earning less. She is a cleaning worker in part time. Our children are going to school, one of them is ill and needs medicine. We have to pay our bills for rent, water, electricity and phone. So we have a serious lack of money. And last month, we had a car crash. We do not have the money to repair the car (about 2000 euros). I need everyday my car to get to my far away working place (50 minutes to go their). I can hardly pay the basic costs for our living, so it will not be possible to fix the car without external help. We live in a rural area where there is no bus service at my working times. My friends are also poor and can not give much. But every help is useful. Please look inside of your heart and help me and my family! I would appreciate any help , even if you can not give much. I would like to thank you in advance!