Help me to pay debts and be with my lover
Julia, Moscow, R
Dear people! I ask you for help in desperation, because there is nobody else to ask.
My name is Julia, I'm 27 years old. I`m from Russia. My situation is similar to thousands of others. I yook loan from banks, then the crisis came, the difficulties with the work began, and became prohibitively pay. Now I have a huge amount of debt, about 900 000 rubles (13 300 euros). I have to work for about 7 years and give all my salary to the banks. And I just want to live ... Six months ago, I met my first true love, he is a foreigner and travels the world. I love him very much and want to be with him, I am very ashamed, I can not tell him about my problems, I`m tring to solve everything by myself. But I understand there is no way to do without your help. I'm tired of being afraid and flinch at every phone call ... Help me to breathe, help not to lose their love. More than anything, I'd like to change my past and do not take all the loans, because then today there would be no barriers between me and my love. Please help, I'm tired of crying every day and ask God for help. I am a good person and always tried to do good to the people around. I promise to the end of life to be grateful and continue to do good, returning my karmic debt. Please help ... Questions can ask by e-mail juliageeme@gmail.com
My bank details in Russian bank Sberbank:
Account number: 40817 810 2 38254020419
Card number: 4276 3800 4764 3320

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