Help me from not committing Suicide!
Hi, I am Sandeep from India. You can call me Sandy. I need immediate help of about US$1000 to pay off the following: (I am presently unemployed) a) 4 months house rent - I stay in a small 3 room house for which the monthly rent is approx US$ 95.50 - Now its due since 4 months. b) I need to pay back a hand-loan of Rupees 25,000/- (approximately USD 398.00) borrowed from a friend. He stands at my doorstep to recover his money every alternate day. This is very embarrassing. c) I have invested huge time and money in creating 1 ebook on Mathematics that helps anyone to calculate really fast mentally. This ebbok is available on Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JY45MOW - - - but that's not selling as expected. I am able to make only between 1 to 5 USDs a month from that book. d) I have also spent time and money in creating this VIDEO course on the same MATH MADE EASY principles here: (But not a single Dollar revenue generated so far, even after offering 1 course for FREE and the other for US$6.00 only): http://meetmentors.usefedora.com/ e) And to sustain life for some more time before I can start earning from my regular CHESS coaching sessions in schools that pays me only for 8 months in a calendar year, I need some more money beside the above mentioned in a) & b) above. Please help me with your donations now. Else, please help me with promoting my ebook and my video course among your friend / circle as stated above. I hate begging. So does everyone. I am not sure, if I am doing the right thing here. About my family, I am happily married for 15 years now. I do not know if this happiness continues or due to this acute financial crisis, I need to QUIT life sometime sooner or later. Thanks for any kind of help rendered to me. As paypal does not allow DONATION button in accordance to Govt. restrictions, in INDIA, I am including a BUY NOW button. You can enter any amount that you wish to give. Thanks again.

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