Help me build my Tiny House Fund
Hi, I am interested in building tiny house. This is for a relatively ‘high end’ tiny home with all of the amenities of home I am be looking at around $125,000 in materials to build it myself or hire someone to build it for me. This figure normally includes professional construction plans, appliances, solar panels, and other materials brand new at the store. Do understand Tiny houses, is just like a big houses, can range in price greatly depending on size, systems, materials, and whether you build it yourself or hire someone to build it for you. In addition, this is where each and everyone can help me out by donating any amount to my great cause. Anything you can afford to donate is greatly appreciated.
So if you have an extra buck or two, please send it my way!
All I need is $1 from 150,000 people,
$2 from 62,500 people,
$4 from 31,250 people,
$5 from 25,000 people,
$8 from 15,625 people or
$10 from 12,500 people...
-You get the picture!
Help me please!
Many dream about living in big lavish mansions with stuff they do not really need to impress people who could not care less. Little do they realize the impact that their sumptuous and regal lifestyle has on the environment. Beyond this cloak of luxury lies the need to give back to the environment what it has given to us. This can only be done through living a sustainable lifestyle that will help in minimizing our impact on the environment. People may quadrate living in a tiny house with an inadequate and compact way of life. The truth however is that one can lead a quite worthy and competent life in a tiny house that has been built on sustainable resources. Creating a sustainable lifestyle takes a lifelong commitment – to learning, experimenting, exploring, committing to increasingly sustainable practices and establishing connectedness with ecosystem in which this is what I believe in and aim to achieve.
Living my life in a way that supports, respects, cooperates with nature, and contributes in reducing the use of earth’s natural resources is how I define sustainable lifestyle. Making the most of renewable energy sources like solar energy, rainwater etc. and integrating their use in our lives will help in reducing the burden that the impetuous and reckless mores of the society and humanity at large have imposed on Mother Nature. Owning Tiny House will help me in realizing my dream of living a simplified life with a small piece of land too. Making use of solar energy to provide electricity will save money and will help in achieving energy security, reliability and independence as it is free for all and is equally available too. Rainwater filtration at domestic level can be done for watering the plants and washing dishes and clothes. Peace lily and Madagascar dragon plants can be potted inside the house as they cleanse the air and require less watering.
A tiny house may be small but the strength in its character is my motivation towards leading an intelligible and buoyant life with all that I need in a 461 square foot space. A house, tiny in just its name, can have an immense positive impact on the environment. Living in a tiny house will be a pillar in the building of sustainable environment that can support the generations to come with as much as it did our ancestors.Once again help me fulfill my lifetime dream that I would like to achieve is build tiny house and to turn into a reality. Help me get this show on the road, and share the love of Tiny Living across the nation.It takes a big community to make a dream like this come true.
Details on how you can send TO MY TINY HOUSE FUND!
Just go to the Donation button and press It.

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