Help For My Disabled Son

Still Smi, Missouri

My son was the victim of an assault a few years ago. He was hit in the head several times with a baseball bat and left for dead. He has recovered to a point where he finished high school in a special program and he wants to do something with his life. He cannot hold a regular job due to seizures and other factors. He could help out with a family type business as he is able. This would give him a sense of belonging and would encourage him to continue to strive towards improving his situation. Social security disability will never be enough for him to live on by himself and we will not be around forever. I am asking for help to raise money to purchase needed equipment for a business. I already work two jobs and our credit is not good enough for me to secure funding through normal channels. The total cost for the needed equipment will be 12,000.00. My PayPal email is Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.