For the family
I have been in debts for the last couple of year and working hard to provide better life for my families. However, things has not gotten too well especially in the last 2 years and I have now unable to give the family what they required.
1. For my dad - a new phone, his phone is a couple of years old
2. Older son - needs a computer for his studies and homework
3. Younger son - ipad broke down and I was unable to give him a new one - he uses this for games and learning, he is 5 years old
4. my wife, married to me and never had a chance to give her break / holiday
I know I need to work hard for this items which I am working hard for. But the last 2 years was bad for me in terms of work. My worry is if I am to lose my job now, my family will suffer even further. Even for myself, my phone are old, my laptop for work are old and I cannot afford to replace them.
Any little help is appreciated. Thanks to all kind souls.
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