financial assistance
Teodoro, Saudi Ara
I am a Filipino Worker here in Saudi Arabia for almost 3 years...my life now is in danger..I am a chocolate arranger /gift wrapper here with the salary of 2,000 riyals..i am fatherless for 23 years..my mother is turning 70 years old tomorrow..March 15..me and my mother have an adopted children of my late sister died at melanoma cancer,her husband abandoned the 6 children and go to another woman..the eldest among the 6 is an epileptic.female now 25 yrs old, .the 2nd up to 4th has finished high school and now working at some small eatery..the other is a gasoline boy..the 5th and the 6th male and female are graduating in high school in this 27th day of March..last January the 5th and 6th got the virus of dengue and they become 50/50 chances because their platelet down to 65..i took money twice to a one person here in Saudi Arabia..he is also a Filipino but lend money illegally called 5/6 or when you get 500 you give it back 600/// i took from him 3,500 Saudi Riyals..around 934 dollars..now he want to get it all and if i cant,,he will threat me bad..everyday he calls me and text me maybe 15 times..also he go to our store and make scandal ..my employer got mad ..i cant able to make a cash advance..this guy has many connection...they follow me everyday.i am only using bicycle to go home..please help me to be out of this nightmare...its almost two weeks i cannot sleep well... i dont know what to do...i dont want to go to prison bec they are going to abuse me and maybe kill me.....please help me.my contact number is +966 550192046...i need to give the money until tomorrow 19 am Saudi time...thank you and God bless..if you want to ask my savings account please e mail me at zgcp79@yahoo.com...please lend me your help......i am so much burden...God bless

I couldn’t provide your needs, but i could offer a job that you could earn 800 to 1000$ weekly with no stress at all, with this you don’t need any financial help from someone or any organization.
contact me on audreduarte@yahoo.com