Female veteran and grandmother looking for self-sufficiency

2look4Ame, South Coa

I feel kind of nauseous doing this but here goes.. I am a 59 y.o.partially disabled peacetime vet who is trying to be more independent. I was treated for a serious disease last winter and am still receiving medical care at the VA for other issues. I work as a waitress and it's getting more difficult to keep up. I work from paycheck to tip to paycheck and I pay the most urgent bills and hope to get to the other ones later. I have been living with my son and daughter in law for 3 years now and I really would like to get out of their space. I am looking to acquire a small, older model motorhome to move into. It would be just perfect for my situation. I could probably find one for about $4000. It would save me money on rent in the long run. If your heart moves you to help me with my goal, it would be so appreciated. A dollar here and a dollar there can make dreams come true. Bless you for your giving spirit. Thanks, Jean